Braker Pointe is an office complex consisting of three office buildings, owned by two different ownership groups, on the Northeast corner of Mopac and Braker Lane adjacent to the Domain. The three buildings total 379,720 square feet and belong to a larger association of surrounding properties known as the Braker Pointe Association. This association governs the common areas outside of the Braker Pointe lots and adjacent lots including a hotel, retail center, multi-family development, and a historic house.
AQUILA has been managing Braker Pointe buildings I, II, and III and the association for nearly a decade. Although Braker Pointe III is owned by a different group than Braker Pointe I and II, both ownership groups are long-term holders and required similar capital improvements in all three buildings.
AQUILA’s charge was to collaborate with both of the ownership groups to generate a long-term capital plan addressing everything from landscaping, lobby renovations, and elevator modernizations to the replacement of HVAC equipment and systems.
In order to accomplish this, AQUILA’s project management team was engaged to help oversee and manage the large capital improvements like the landscaping and lobby renovations.
The capital improvement projects took a tremendous amount of coordination by the property managers and the project managers. Multiple calls, memos, and emails had to be made so all closures and shutdowns of roadways and parking spaces were communicated correctly with little to no interruption to the tenants. Braker Pointe III is owner-occupied so communication and coordination were paramount.
In the end, the capital projects were completed and helped raise rental rates and increase occupancy across all three buildings. Ultimately, this increased cash flow for the owners and investors.
As of this writing, Braker Pointe I, II, and III are 100% occupied, and further improvements are in the process of being made to keep up with the growing competition due to its proximity to new buildings at the Domain.
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