1002 West Avenue, conveniently located just east of North Lamar Boulevard, is easy to access and close to many surrounding amenities. The property is a converted house to office, and has undergone both exterior and interior renovations. The four-level building is comprised of three floors and a basement. The property has a large backyard with outdoor seating areas and tree coverage. This 7,458 SF space is available with 30 days’ notice.
- 7,458 SF
- Available 30 Days’ Notice
- $60 Gross + E&J
- Recently renovated lobby, backyard, kitchen and breakroom, and multiple offices
- Outdoor space with seating areas and green space
- 2.4:1000 parking ratio
- $150/space/month
- Easy access to amenities on MLK Jr Blvd, Lavaca St, W 6th St, and Lamar Blvd
- Monument signage is available